Can CBD and Keto be Combined for Weight Loss?

cbd keto

It’s easy to get caught up in fad diets, fad supplements, and fad workout regimens these days. Sometimes it can seem like there’s a new ‘cure all’ solution for weight loss coming out every single week. Because of this, it can be pretty challenging to know what actually works, and what’s just fluff.

Like the keto diet, CBD is a type of supplement that’s taken off incredibly fast, so fast that it’s started to garner some skepticism about how effective it is. And just like the keto diet, some of this skepticism isn’t entirely backed by research, which can make it pretty difficult to know where to turn to for sound evidence.

In this article I plan to quash all of the rumors surrounding CBD, and will explain exactly what the latest scientific research has to say when it comes to both the benefits of taking CBD oil, and the benefits that can be achieved by combining it with the keto diet.

What is CBD?

CBD is a shorthand term for ‘cannabidiol’, which is characterized as a chemical compound that comes fro the cannabis plant.

CBD is found in nature, and is often consumed through oils, edible treats, and occasionally is used as a topical ointment or lotion in order to promote relaxation, improve sleep schedules, and reduce overall amounts of stress.

  • What’s the difference between CBD and THC?

Many people compare CBD to THC, which is the active ingredient in marijuana, but the two are actually very different.

THC comes with all of the added psychoactive effects that people attribute to the ‘high’ feeling of marijuana use, whereas CBD does not have any psychoactive properties, and functions on a more physiological level.

THC still has its place in the medical and wellness space, as it’s used to aggressively treat things like multiple sclerosis, nerve pain, and improve appetite for those who are struggling with the effects of chemotherapy.

CBD is used as a more holistic type of supplement that can help manage stress, promote digestion and metabolism health, and provide a certain degree of mental clarity. We’ll dive into the exact specifics of each benefit below.

  • What’s the difference between CBD oil and hemp oil?

This is where some people can get confused, since CBD technically comes from the hemp plant, and like hemp, isn’t psychoactive compared to it’s cousin THC, what’s the difference between the two?

Essentially, CBD oil is derived from the entirety of the plant, while hemp oil only comes from the seeds of the hemp plant. This means that a significant amount of potential benefits are lost on hemp oil, because the plant’s maturity is what gives it a lot of the important affects we seek from CBD. We’ll get into those benefits next.

Benefits of CBD

  • Manages stress and anxiety

Stress, anxiety, and depression are extremely common mental health issues people that people experience regularly, and they can have some significantly damaging effects on your health and overall well being in the long run.

Generally, anxiety and depression on their own are usually treated with pharmaceutical drugs, which tend to have even worse side effects a lot of the time. Some of these pharmaceutical cures for anxiety like benzodiazepines (xanax) can even lead to substance abuse and addiction.

That’s why it’s very important to try and medicate these mental illnesses with more holistic approaches, and as of recent, CBD oil is showing a lot of promise.

Many different types of medical studies have linked CBD oil consumption to long term improvements in depression, stress, and anxiety. These improvements can be attributed to i’s molecular structure, and how CBD interacts with the brain’s receptors for serotonin, an important neurotransmitter that regulates mood and behavior.

  • Improves quality of sleep

One of the most prevalent uses for CBD oil is as a sleep aid. Insomnia is a widespread issue, especially for those who follow the keto diet, and finding solutions that have minimal side effects can be pretty challenging.

While I do enjoy using melatonin as a way to get around insomnia, CBD oil has been proven to be just as effective.

Recent research shows that consuming between 25 to 1500 milligrams of CBD, in any form, per day can gradually help improve both your quality of sleep, and the length of time that you’re able to get uninterrupted sleep.

  • Can relieve physical pain

CBD is wildly popular and often recommended by doctors because of its pain relieving properties.

The hemp plant it comes from has been used to treat pain for thousands of years, and many scientists attribute the pain relieving effects of marijuana to its high CBD content.

Recent studies have shown that increasing CBD intake may be able to reduce both mild and chronic pain because of the way it affects the endocannabinoid receptors in our brain. When this impact takes place, our brain tends to reduce inflammation throughout the body, which is one of the primary ways in which we experience the feeling of pain.

There are a few different kinds of ways CBD can be used for these pain relieving properties. The most popular of these ways include ingesting CBD, or applying it topically to the surface of the skin.

  • Could benefit heart health

CBD is often revered as well for its benefits for heart health. Considering that heart related diseases are responsible for the majority of deaths in the United States, CBD is becoming more and more popular because of its ability to lower cases of high blood pressure.

One recent study treated nine healthy men with just one 600 milligram dose of CBD oil, and found that it vastly reduced their resting blood pressure, compared to a placebo group.

That same study also introduced stress tests that would normally increase one’s blood pressure. Those who experienced a single serving of CBD experienced more acute increases in blood pressure than the placebo group during these tests.

CBD and Weight Loss

Lastly, the best possible benefit of CBD in my opinion is its weight loss properties. More importantly, is how its natural weight loss properties can be used in combination with the keto diet to really maximize your weight loss potential (we’ll get into the specifics later in this article).

The body’s natural endocannabinoid system actually has some affects on how we store fat, by its connection to our brain and central nervous system.

There are two types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. CB1 is naturally more common in people with obesity, as it tends to reside in fatty tissue.

While CBD consumption does not directly cause these receptors to react, it does have an influence on the body’s natural control of these receptors over periods of time.

That’s why recent studies have linked habitual consumption of CBD oil to reduced rates of obesity and increased rates of weight loss from states of obesity over long enough periods of time.

One study in particular also found that CBD actually has the ability to reduce rates of hunger and block off the appetite receptors in our brains. Many people often make the connection that THC is used to induce hunger, so they consider CBD to be dangerous for the same reason. However when CBD is isolated from THC, it is being more prevalently seen to have the exact opposite effect.

On top of its neurological connections to reduced appetite and weight loss, it also has been correlated with reduced rates of metabolic diseases, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and high levels of cholesterol.

Side Effects of CBD

  • Fatigue

While the results of this claim are somewhat mixed, there have been increased reports in additional fatigue after consuming CBD.

This can be in part attributed to the fact that taking CBD promotes lengthier nights of sleep, and occasionally getting too much sleep can lead to fatigue during the day in the same way that not getting enough sleep would, but there may be something more physiological going on as well.

In theory, CBD’s stress reducing properties should be able to reduce factors like adrenal fatigue that cause general malaise and daytime sleepiness, but everyone tends to react a little bit differently to sleep altering chemicals. If you’re taking CBD and are consistently fatigued, you may want to consider going cold turkey for a couple of weeks.

  • Changes in appetite and weight

CBD oil is often hailed for its weight loss properties, but this can also sometimes lead to more pronounced fluctuations in both appetite and body weight.

It is occasionally prescribed as a way to help people increase their appetites, especially those suffering from conditions that promote nausea and may stop them from eating. Many people know about medical marijuana being prescribed to chemotherapy patients for this exact reason, and CBD oil can sometimes have that same effect on people.

If you’re not paying close attention, you may end up overeating because of its effect on appetite.

  • Dry Mouth

CBD can occasionally cause dry mouth in some users because of its effects on our body’s hydration levels. \

(Note, if you’re combining CBD and a keto diet, it may actually be keto that’s causing that dry mouth. You can check out my full guide on how to combat and prevent dry mouth right here).

Many compare this dry sensation to that of the classic marijuana symptom known as cotton mouth.

Researchers believe this takes place because our endocannabinoid receptors are also linked to saliva production within the mouth.

Generally it’s perfectly safe, and isn’t much of a drawback, and as long as you’re staying hydrated, these symptoms tend to dissipate in a matter of hours after consuming CBD.

  • Low Blood Pressure

While CBD is a great tool to help fight against high blood pressure and other types of cardiovascular problems, it can also swing the other way and actually leave many users with low blood pressure, which comes with its own set of unique problems.

Having low blood pressure can be indicative of a variety of other types of conditions as well, and can sometimes be hard to diagnose on its own. If you think you may be experiencing low blood pressure as a result of CBD consumption, you should check with your doctor, who can help you rule out any other potential causes.

  • Light headedness

A notable symptom of low blood pressure is light headedness. This tends to be a temporary symptom of taking CBD when it does flare up, and can usually be resolved by eating some food rich in electrolytes.

Light headedness is a fairly common symptom of the keto flu, which is why I often recommend supplementing your electrolytes in and easy and fast way to help ward off those dizzy sensations. I personally like to use Keto K1000 Electrolyte powder, which is packed with all of the essentials: magnesium, sodium, manganese, and potassium.

You can pick up Keto K1000 over on

How does CBD work with Keto?

As you might be able to guess, there’s a pretty limited amount of available information on the synergy effects of both CBD oil and the ketogenic diet, especially because they’ve both only recently started to become popular on a global level. However, there are some correlations that are definitely worth exploring.

As we saw earlier in this post, there are a variety of benefits that make the endocannabinoid system of our brain great, and useful for weight loss, mental clarity, and stress reduction.

Additionally if you’re a follower of Keto Lifehacker, you probably know all of the similar benefits that come from being in a state of ketosis.

  • What does CBD have to do with ketosis?

The two meet at that base level of both being extremely beneficial for our bodies, but they can also complement each other when it comes to ketosis.

When your body is in a state of ketosis, it is in a fat adapted state, which means that it is burning fat for fuel, instead of carbohydrates and glycogen stores. This fat adapted state is a great way to unlock the potential of natural energy within the body.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) comes into play here because there are CB receptors within our body fat. When we’re in a fat adapted state, but ketosis and additional consumption of CBD oil can work together to maximize your ketone levels and may even be able to get you into a state of ketosis faster.

  • Do they cancel each other out?

Another important factor that helps these two things work great together is the fact that they don’t inhibit each other’s benefits within the body.

The side effects of CBD oil and the general side effects of being in a state of ketosis have no known negative interactions with each other, which is a great indicator that you won’t be cancelling out any important benefits when combining them. Essentially, you’ll be able to get the best of both of these health choices.

  • They are both incredibly affordable

Weight loss programs can be extremely expensive and predatory generally, which can make it difficult to find something that’s both effective, and practical from a financial standpoint. Fortunately, the keto diet can be done on the cheap fairly easily, because it relies on natural, low cost foods. CBD is similar in that it’s extremely affordable, and the oil tends to last for long periods of time even with regular amounts of use.

You can check out some of my favorite affordable CBD products below, but if you’re in a rush, I’m personally a big fan of Joy Organics.

Best Types of CBD Oil for Keto

empe cbd

I’m particularly fond of EMPE USA as a CBD Oil company because of their commitment to quality products. They pride themselves on offering high grade organic CBD oil, and competitive prices.

What I like even more about them is that they provide research to help back it up. You can check out their official website here for a full run down of the benefits and science that goes into creating their signature tincture CBD oil.

One thing that can kind of be a deal breaker for me when choosing my CBD oil products is taste, which is another reason the EMPE USA CBD takes my number one spot on this list. This oil has an incredibly subtle flavor profile and smooth texture that makes it incredibly easy to take, even if you’re one of the pickiest eaters out there.

What’s more is because it’s so concentrated, a single proper dose only consists of about three drops of the tincture, and then you’re done.

>> Click Here to Purchase EMPE CBD<<

verified cbd

Verified CBD made the cut for me because of their diversity as a CBD company. They have a wide array of oral sprays and liquid tinctures that have been individually crafted to help cater to specific needs like weight loss, improving sleep, pain relief, skin care, and much more.

They also offer CBD capsules that are much more convenient to consume and are an affordable way to promote pain relieve quickly.

Another aspect that makes Verified CBD one of my favorites is their excellent customer support and corporate commitment to social responsibility. They source organic quality products via low emissions manufacturers, and are extremely easy to get in touch with if you have any burning questions about their products or issues with your specific orders.

The pricing can get a bit expensive, but they offer such a wide array of products that it can be pretty easy to find exactly what you need at any price range.

>>Click Here to Purchase Verified CBD<<

turmeric cbd

Combining turmeric with CBD is another great way to maximize your anti inflammatory potential while getting benefits from two powerful naturally occurring plants. A few different companies offer CBD tinctures or capsules infused with turmeric, but I prefer the official Turmeric CBD brand from First Class Herbalist CBD.

Adding turmeric can have a variety of different benefits, but one of the most important is probably that of improved digestion. The active ingredient in turmeric is known as curcumin, which is molecularly similar to that of capsaicin, another spice that has on occasion been linked to improved rates of weight loss.

Curcumin contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties that are great for promoting a healthy state of ketosis, and its antioxidant properties can help promote overall health and reduce your risk of certain types of diseases.

When combined with CBD, it can not only be a great way to promote potential weight loss, but also settle your stomach, reduce symptoms of anxiety, and in some cases even dull the effects of heartburn and indigestion.

>>Click Here to Buy Turmeric CBD<<

diamond cbd

Diamond is revered by many as a top of the line brand when it comes to the CBD market.

All of their products are manufactured within the United States, and go through rigorous quality assurance checks from the early stages of lab testing and formulation all the way to the bottling and shipping process.

They have probably the widest range of offerings for different types of CBD, and are committed to offering the most affordable variants of CBD oils, sprays, gummies, and topicals on the market.

What I prefer most about Diamond CBD products is their potency, which is noticeable much higher than other competing brands, making a little last a lot longer, which can save their customers a lot of money in the long run.

>>Click Here to Buy Diamond CBD Oils<<

  • Joy Organics

Joy Organics’ CBD makes it onto this top five list because of its commitment to quality ingredients, and wide array of product sizes that you can choose from.

They make it easy to dip your toes into the world of CBD by offering lower priced tiers of 250 milligrams of CBD, all the way up to 1500 milligrams for those that want to buy in bulk.

They classify their product as ‘pharmaceutical grade’, meaning it’s held to the highest standard of manufacturing and production requirements for health and safety, so you know you’re getting quality ingredients.

Lastly, they also now offer softgels that are infused with melatonin, making getting to sleep and staying a sleep longer extremely easy, which is something that anyone one on the keto diet knows is very important.

Does CBD Break a Fast?

While intermittent fasting isn’t exactly required on a ketogenic diet, it definitely has a world of benefits. I’ve covered this at length here on Keto Lifehacker. There are a variety of different types of intermittent fasting protocols you can implement on keto like OMAD (One Meal a Day), the 5:2 Diet, Eat-Stop-Eat, and the 16/20 fast (The Warrior Diet), just to name a few.

All of these fasting protocols can be powerful tools to help maximize the benefits of your ketosis state, but sometimes what exactly breaks a fast can get people worried. Generally, I follow the rule that zero calorie liquids like water, black coffee, and green tea do not break a fast, and you don’t have to worry about it.

So what about CBD Oil?

Unfortunately, almost all forms of CBD products do contain a certain degree of caloric contents, which means it will likely break your fast. I personally believe that the benefits of CBD oil on digestion, metabolism, and fat burning are worth technically breaking the fast, but I can understand why this might be a deal breaker for a lot of people.

Fortunately there isn’t much to worry about, because you don’t have to have CBD at any given time of day to get the maximum effects.

It’s perfectly acceptable to consume CBD oil during your eating window, and still you’ll be able to get all of the benefits while keeping your fasting window pure. If you’re trying to use CBD oil for sleeping, but don’t want to eat it before bed because of your fast, I’d definitely recommend going with a calorie free supplement like melatonin.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, CBD can be utilized as a highly effective tool when it comes to implementing your weight loss plan. I wouldn’t say that it will directly contribute to weight loss for everyone, but when combined with something as powerful as the ketogenic diet, it can definitely help speed up your fat burning process.

You’ll still have to do the work to get your body in the best possible position for weight loss, but as we’ve seen from research and success stories, combining CBD and the keto diet can really build up weight loss momentum for a lot of people.

Have you had any success with CBD oil for weight loss? If you’d like your success story to be featured, send us an email at, we’d love to share your journey.

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